Post-Growth 2018 Conference is a joint effort of multiple stakeholders and MEPs from various political groups.

Find out more about the makers of the conference.


Université Libre de Bruxelles
– The Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning (IGEAT)


IGEAT engages in inter- and transdisciplinary research in the areas of environment, spatial and regional planning, urbanism and tourism. We coordinate curricula at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels in each of these domains and disciplines. With more than 300 students, 60 experienced researchers, 12 academics, we are a major source of critical expertise in environmental studies, ecological economics, environmental policy studies, urban studies, environmental assessment, tourism studies, spatial planning. 

European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

“The ETUC aims to ensure that the EU is not just a single market for goods and services, but is also a Social Europe, where improving the wellbeing of workers and their families is an equally important priority.”


European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

“The ETUI is the independent research and training centre of the ETUC. which itself affiliates European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation. The ETUI places its expertise – acquired in particular in the context of its links with universities, academic and expert networks – in the service of workers’ interests at European level and of the strengthening of the social dimension of the European Union.”

European Environmental Bureau

“Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations. We bring together around 140 civil society organisations from more than 30 European countries.”


Friends of the Earth Europe

“We campaign for sustainable and just societies and for the protection of the environment, uniting more than 30 national groups with thousands of local groups. Friends of the Earth International is the world’s largest grassroots environmental network, “


International Degrowth Movement

Apart from being scholarly debates, degrowth conferences promote cooperation of different groups in the development of scientific, social and political proposals towards ecologically sustainable and socially just transformation.”


Research & Degrowth (R&D)

R&D is an academic association dedicated to research, awareness raising, and events organization around the topic of degrowth. R&D defines degrowth as a multi-level voluntary path towards reduction of production and consumption aiming at ecological sustainability, good life, liberty and social justice. For R&D, degrowth is grounded in ecology, ecological economics, anthropology, psychology, and social sciences in general.


Positive Money

“We campaign for a money and banking system
that supports a fair, sustainable and democratic economy.”



Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique

“FGTB defends all workers. Our speciality? Action for a more equal society. Our strength? Combining the capacity to unite and determination to defend workers’ rights.”


Confederation of Christian Trade Unions

Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond (AVC) and Confédération des syndicats chrétiens (CSC) are together the largest national trade union federation in Belgium.


Veblen Institute

The Veblen Institute is a French think tank aiming at a renewal of the economic thinking, at promoting public policies supporting a fair, democratic and ecological transition that goes far beyond the greening of the current system, at creating transdisciplinary bridges between academics, policy makers and sectoral experts.




Organizing Members of the European Parliament












Guillaume BALAS


Elena Ethal SCHLEIN