The ETUC and ETUI, partners of the post-growth conference, will organise an exciting three-day event bringing together globally-renowned experts to debate some of the most pressing issues confronting workers, unions and governments.
The conference will address several megatrends impacting working life.
First, the free movement of capital, services and people is altering the allocation of jobs throughout the European internal market.
Second, climate change and the energy transition are making many occupations obsolete, while at the same time creating new ‘green’ jobs in emerging sectors and industries.
Third, the demographic transition is changing the structure of the labour force and challenging social security systems.
Finally, the digitalisation of the economy is set to disrupt the processes of production, employment and work conditions on an unprecedented scale.
This plenaries and panels at this conference will aim to put together the different projections of the future and analyse them in tandem in order to fully understand the multiple and complex consequences for the world of work.
The full programme is available on the ETUI website. If you would like to attend the conference please send a mail to