Important to know:
To access the European Parliament, you must hold a valid ID/Passport used during the online registration. Note that registration is mandatory to have access to the conference.
Please come at least 30 minutes in advance when entering the building for the first time. This ensures you have enough time for the security checks* and getting around.
Here’s how to find us:
European Parliament
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 – Bruxelles/Brussels
Getting there
Download the Pocket guide for visitors here!
The Parliament building has an entrance accessible to wheelchairs. Car parks have spaces reserved for disabled drivers, and the cafeterias are equipped with tables and cash tills adjusted for people using a wheelchair. Working dogs are allowed onto the Parliament premises.
Public wi-fi is available at the European Parliament. Login details are displayed in all visitors’ areas.
The conference will be held in English. Unfortunately no translation services are available.
Visiting the Parliament
Should you wish to visit the European Parliament Hemicycle or other attractions in and around the Parliament, please find more information here.
* Firearms, explosive or inflammable substances, pepper sprays, sharp items and other objects that could be considered weapons are prohibited. In accordance with Belgian national legislation, certain prohibited items may be handed over to the police.